I love tarot and oracle cards … for me, they occupy that space between toy and tool, mirror and guide. I start my day with them, orient myself through them, and dream about making them. I’m a big fan of the medium.
Dualities are another tool I work and play with as a balancing exercise . . . if I’m stuck in one state, can I move myself closer to the other? What opens up in that space in between?
I’ve been thinking about making duality cards for a long time … but I also have hundreds of unfinished creative projects littering my life. Over and over again, I start a project with lots of enthusiasm, and then I lose steam. I get distracted, bored, afraid, overwhelmed, all the reasons we don’t finish things.
Rick Rubin’s amazing book, The Creative Act: A Way of Being, is a big encouragement to stay with projects and finish them up so we can move onto the next one. After listening to it a few times, the importance of completion is finally sinking in.
SO, all this to say, I have officially committed to myself I am going to finish these damn duality cards! I’m over half way there … 24 done, 20 to go. After I finish up the artwork, I’m planning to get a few decks printed up just to walk through that exercise, and also leverage this work as source material for experiments into other mediums.
Just holding myself to this commitment and showing up for this work feels like it’s strengthening my creative practice. If you have any projects you’re wrestling to start, work on or finish, I’m right there with you!